Study Shows that BYU Students Always Wear a Mask and Social Distance, Unless It’s Too Hard

A BYU study revealed some troublesome statistics concerning student’s mask-wearing and social distancing habits. 

Seventy percent of students surveyed stated that they would not wear masks in the following situations:

  • They forgot their mask at home
  • They have a medical condition that affects their breathing
  • They thought they could get away with claiming to have a medical condition that affects their breathing
  • They just put on lipstick
  • They had already been wearing a mask for a long time that day
  • They sneezed in their mask earlier, and now it’s gross

Eighty-five percent of students surveyed stated that they would not social distance in the following situations:

  • They have a really strong immune system or don’t care if they get sick
  • There are too many people in the room to stay six feet apart
  • Everyone around is cool with it
  • It’s hard to hear what people are saying, and they are to shy to ask others to speak up
  • They don’t actually know how far apart six feet is
  • They are worried someone might cut in front of them in line
  • People are having an interesting conversation, and they want to eavesdrop

When students were asked in what situations they would be likely to wear a mask, they said if it was really cold out, or if they were trying to hide a beard. When asked in what situations they would be likely to social distance, they said if they didn’t like the people that were around.