Alternate Universe So Much More Successful, Wealthy, Liked Than Daily Universe That They Can Afford Billboard

The Daily Universe, a controversial BYU news publication recently flagged for exploiting free student labor, has allegedly been struggling to find relevance in the 21st century. Although the legacy organization has made leaps in distributing news content through digital channels, critics note that The Universe has slowly slipped behind its major competitor, The Alternate Universe.

This fact became painfully obvious on Monday when The Alternate Universe purchased a billboard for the day, something The Universe has “never in their wildest dreams imagined was possible.”

“It’s true. We’ve never even come close to getting a billboard ever. Never in our entire 64 years of slow decline.” says a Universe reporter who preferred to remain anonymous, “This whole billboard thing really puts the nail in the coffin. Can’t compete with that.”

Experts expect The Universe to continue operations, but predict that there is likely “no coming back from such a power move by their arch-rival.”

The Alternate Universe is clearly more well-funded, influential, and beloved.” explains esteemed newspaper critic Aron Fitster  “The level of success needed to buy a billboard is astronomical. It can not be overstated.”

If The Alternate Universe’s growth continues, analysts suspect that they may be in the running for an IPO. The Daily Universe refused to comment.

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