BYU’s Testing Center Repurposed as COVID Testing Center for Fall Semester

This upcoming semester the testing center will no longer be administering academic tests as it has done since 1982. The building will see radical changes as it converts to accommodate testing the entire student body for coronavirus three times a week for the duration of semester. Results will be given within three days of testing.

Late fees will still be given to those that don’t take their tests on time. All three tests must be taken each week. Lines are expected to be longer than ever at the building. As a result, they are installing 30 more cameras to view the line. The new furthest camera will be located at the Marriott Center since people in line must be six feet apart while waiting to receive their test.

“I really thought this would be my first semester that I wouldn’t have to go to the testing center. Now I have to go three times a week!?” stated Gene Russell, senior.

A new BYU ID card will be required with a picture of students wearing a mask of their choice. This will allow for testing center employees to recognize the students by only the upper half of their faces. Students will be able to attend their online classes while waiting in line since it is to be expected that they will spend the majority of their time this semester being constantly tested. A large spike in positive test results coming from the building are to be expected in the coming months compared to previous 38 years.