Student Does Not Intend to Shave Beard for Fall Semester: ‘How Will They Know What’s Under My Facemask?’

Steven Meyers* has been growing out his beard while attending BYU summer classes online and has no intention of shaving it when he returns in the Fall. Meyers claims he’s been getting a lot more attention on Mutual, and that girls “totally dig” his new look. He also likes the look personally. “It’s not just about the ladies, although a fulfilling dating life doesn’t hurt, I feel like I’m more myself with it.”

As far as changing the beard policy in the honor code Meyers says, “After seeing how unresponsive administration was to the other protests over the past couple years, I don’t think it’s particularly likely.” He claims that he’s not too hung up on that because, “with COVID-19, what’s under my facemask is between me and Brigham Young’s own luxurious whiskers.” 

He was not a fan of the idea of keeping BYU campus closed in the fall. “I want to be back. online classes just aren’t the same. But I don’t see why I should have to change myself to be able to go to class.”

Meyers is confident in his plan, knowing that with a facemask he is totally “clean-shaven-passing.” When asked if he thought this article would disrupt his plans he said, “What’s BYU going to do, not let people wear masks?” calling it a ridiculous claim. “They wouldn’t actively sabotage the health of students to uphold the Honor Code, that would be crazy.”

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the student.