Young Man Organizes Dangerous Underground Dance Party Just to Ask Crush to Slow Dance

New reports coming in suggest that a controversial dance party held in Provo Friday night was simply one young man’s attempt to find love. The youth organizer (name of minor redacted) turned 14 in March and was really excited to start going to stake dances. Unfortunately, that has not been possible due to the pandemic.

During this lockdown period he has also been in constant contact with a classmate named Brezlee Owens. According to sources close to the youth (including the boy’s parents themselves) they have been sending each other memes and Tik Toks nonstop. They even talked on the phone once.

The young man, wanting to get closer to Owens, organized a small dance in Provo. It was intended to follow state guidelines regarding COVID-19, but his plans were quickly hijacked. Eventually, it turned into an all-out protest against pandemic-related regulations.

“There were college kids and energy drinks everywhere. It was madness. Most people were not social distancing, and many weren’t even leaving enough space for a Book of Mormon!” says the young man, “I couldn’t even find Brezlee for the first half of the party because ‘Evacuate the Dance Floor’ being played on repeat was so disorienting.”

Due to the multitude of people, the unfortunate lad couldn’t even find Owens for most of the night. Eventually, they were able to slow dance to an Ed Sheeran song before his sister picked them up.