Infectious Disease Experts Backtrack After BYU Pre-Med Student Discredits Masks in Instagram Post

BYU premedical student Dallin Young has made waves in the medical community after his brave Instagram rant completely eviscerated the expert opinions of the world’s foremost infectious disease physicians. Young, who works as a CNA in Provo when he’s not otherwise busy studying for CHEM105, made his powerful comments in the caption under a photograph of a massive Provo party he hosted this weekend.

His principled stand against mask-wearing and social distancing took physicians the world over by storm. Young’s peer-reviewed Instagram comments made it clear to Dr. Anthony Fauci that face masks are a scam. Reached for comment, the eminent physician affirmed Young’s stance: “Dallin is completely right. Coronavirus is a hoax and Americans should openly exercise their constitutional rights to party and hospitalize their grandparents.