Highland Stake to Hold Church Ball Tournament in Giant Bubble

The Highland Utah stake announced plans today to hold their annual stake basketball tournament in a self-contained bubble. Their season was suspended in March when states began to issue stay-at-home orders.

Stake athletic director Mark Kimball expressed his excitement over the news: “Church ball is one of the defining aspects of our culture. It’s part of what sets us apart from the world. I was pumped when I heard we could pull this off.”

The young men are currently quarantined in their homes until the resume date of August 15th. At that point, the players, coaches, and referees will move into the stake center where they will reside for the duration of the tournament.

Games will be played Monday through Saturday and Sacrament Meetings will be held on Sunday. Relief societies will provide the food with each ward taking one day at a time.

Controversy has arisen due to the fact that teams have only invited their best players. Only one deacon has been invited to play in the restart. He is only 5′ tall, but his shot is reportedly “silky smooth.”

Sandy Young questioned the entire operation: “How come these ‘stars’ get to play? Do the rest of our kids matter?” Kimball informed us that Young’s son was actually just terrible.