BYU Announces Online Intramurals For Fall Semester

BYU has announced that fall intramurals will be entirely online. President Kevin Worthen said, “We want our students to work hard and play hard. For many, intramurals are life. While our students may not be able to ball out on the court, they can still ball out in life. ”

Intramurals will be held across many platforms with all competitions available for streaming on Twitch and Due to the lack of NCAA regulations, student athletes will be allowed to participate. Winners will receive a mask that says “2020 Intramural Champion” and a $5 credit for DoorDash.

Fortnite and Rocket League will be available on all consoles and PC. Only freshmen will be allowed to participate in Fortnite in order to maintain the true nature of the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was originally planned, but the Honor Code Office immediately shut it down. Senior Aaron Daniels expressed disappointment over this: “I was so excited to 360-no-scope everyone.”

Organizers anticipate Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to have the most intense tempers. To avoid this, all items will be turned off. Despite the petitions, no characters will be banned. Referees are being prepared to hand out more cards for inappropriate language in this event than any other. The intramurals website will have a section for players to submit complaints about lag.

Many competitions will be available on mobile devices. Jane Matthewson said, “I’ve never done intramurals before, but I play iPhone pool, like, all day. So, basically, I got this.” Slater Christian said, “I always destroy at Words with Friends. I prognosticate that other people will now ascertain my elocution domination.”

Students can also use their mobile devices for Jackbox Games. Fibbage and Quiplash are expected to have the highest turnout of all intramural competitions. The Honor Code Office has ensured that family-friendly settings will be turned on.

One event will be available in-person. Students will be allowed to meet for trainer battles in Pokémon Go. Masks and social distancing will be required. Battles will take place in Brigham Square and referees will have tape measures to ensure participants remain six feet apart.

In order to accommodate students that do not play video games, a few competitions will be held over Zoom, including Simon Says, charades, and cup stacking.