Recent Utah Protests Led By New ‘No-Mask Saints’ Church

The letter from the Utah Area Presidency asking everyone to wear masks in public has caused the Church of Freedom and Exposure for Latter-day Saints to form, with members protesting masks.

Many rallies and protests occurring in Utah have specifically focused on the statewide mandate to wear masks. The foundation for these protests have come from the recently formed Church of Freedom and Exposure for Latter-day Saints, also known as the No-Mask Saints.

The No-Mask Saints church was formed by Darnell Stayson, who received personal revelation that this was his calling and that masks were of the devil. The church teaches similar doctrines to another prominent church in Utah, but incorporates lessons on the evilness of masks.

“I know that church authorities asked everyone to wear masks,” said Stayson, “but unfortunately, this means our leaders have been deceived. When I read that letter, I received a spiritual experience and a heavenly glow. The No-Mask Saints church was revealed to me, and I will do anything to protect our freedom.”

Stayson believes that being required to wear a mask in public is just as bad as racism, murder, and maybe even the Holocaust. Several members who have converted to the new faith feel similarly.

“First they force us to wear a mask at all times,” said Deandra Rollins, a mother of twelve. “What will they do next, force us to cut off our hand? It’s ridiculous, and it’s criminal. God has told me that the No-Mask Saints is the true church, and I entirely believe in everything it is teaching.”

The Church of Freedom and Exposure for Latter-day Saints has asked for all Utahns to send masks so that they may burn them and relieve Utah of the sickening and restricting pieces of cloth that have suppressed so many.