LDS Church Approves Contact-Free Baptisms

Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, the LDS Church has announced the use of contact-free baptisms. 

In a letter to stake presidents and bishops the First Presidency said, “During these trying times, we have considered many options for accommodating extenuating circumstances. We continue to introduce changes and our missionaries have adapted well. In order to best help our members and those interested in joining, we have approved the temporary use of contact-free baptisms.” It is unclear at this time how long this will be allowed.

Many options have been presented. In areas where gatherings are permitted, baptizers and baptismal candidates will enter the body of water and stand at least six feet apart from each other. The man performing the ordinance will recite the prayer and the candidate will dip themselves under the water.

Early reports say that candidates are still unsure which hand to use to plug their nose before going under. 

Recent convert and Sandy native John Johnson said, “I haven’t had a haircut or shaved in over four months so my hair is pretty long. I had to dunk myself like six times because not all the hair would stay under the water.”

Where gatherings are not possible, baptismal candidates may set up a video call with two witnesses using their preferred service. If a pool or body of water is available, they may set up the call from there. If nothing is available, candidates and the person they have asked to baptize them should each fill their respective bathtubs and stand in them. The candidate will dip themselves in after the recital of the prayer.

The letter ended with the hashtag “#WearAFetchingMask”.