Quarantined Missionary Finally Memorizes the Entire Old Testament

After four long months of effort, Sister Ramona Jenkins has finally memorized the Old Testament of her KJV Bible. Missionaries have been forced to spend the majority of their time in their apartments since March and many have used the extra time to do family history work or call members and investigators. Sister Jenkins decided to use the time to commit the entirety of the Old Testament to memory.

“It was quite a slog getting through all the Psalms, but once I hit Habakkuk I knew I could make it,” said Jenkins. Others in Jenkins’ mission had set similarly ambitious memorization goals. Some opted to memorize the Topical Guide at the back of the triple combination while other decided to translate every BYU Devotional into Arabic, then memorize them in Arabic.

“Getting the chance to spend more time in the scriptures has been such a blessing for me,” reported one Elder. “I never even realized that the Book of Mormon continues after Second Nephi.”

When asked what she would do with the remaining 8 months of her mission, Sister Jenkins said she’s planning on writing an essay describing the Nephite monetary system in relation to ancient Meso-American architecture. She expects the final work to be between 600 and 900 pages.