AR-15 Unexpectedly Wins Utah Governor Republican Primary

According to latest reporting it appears that an AR-15 has won the Republican nomination for Governor of Utah. There is no historical precedent for inanimate objects running for governor, but that didn’t stop voters from choosing the Armalite firearm in overwhelming numbers. Election officials are as surprised as anyone at this development. “It’s never really happened this way before, but we’re very sure that we’ve counted all 210 votes correctly.” said election committee chairman Brent Curtis.

Not everyone is as shocked as Curtis however. Utah county gun advocate Glenda Wilson released a public statement reading “We Republicans have a long history of allowing guns and the 2nd Amendment to dictate policy, so it seems fitting that we’ve chosen an actual gun to lead us in these trying times. In times of crisis we must fall back on what’s worked for us so far, and for Utah Republicans that has always been guns.”

While it is certainly the favorite to win the Governorship, the AR-15 will not be running unopposed. The Democratic nomination for Governor was secured earlier this month by what appeared to be three children in a trench coat.