BYU Announces That Masks are Required for Eternity Starting Fall 2020

Kevin J. Worthen announced the much-anticipated outline for the Fall 2020 semester that many students have been anxiously waiting for. To much of the student population’s surprise though, the guidelines that were announced for the upcoming semester were far more strenuous than expected.

They announced that masks would be required for eternity.

“We have to get used to this new normal. Masks will be required not only all semester, but we are expected to eternally progress without ever taking them off,” said Worthen in his announcement to students and faculty.

“Will I ever be able to be physically intimate again with my significant other again?” questioned Lilly-Ann Wickens.

The new guidelines mentioned that physically intimacy can still take place on campus while wearing masks. The university stated they would be releasing couples masks that will be able to be worn by two people simultaneously.

“Families and masks can be together forever. Through Heavenly Father’s plan.” – Children’s Song Book 188