Governor Herbert Polls Citizens on What They Would Prefer to Die from This Year

A mass mailing campaign initiated by the office of Governor Herbert reportedly landed a special poll in each and every Utah citizen’s mailbox this morning. The poll asks respondents “What is your preferred manner of death in 2020?” and then lists many possible options including COVID-19, an earthquake, killer hornets, and Danites. A special disclaimer at the bottom explains that although the State of Utah will not be able to honor everyone’s specific requests in time, state officials will “do their best to make it happen before 2020 takes you out some other way.”

“Look, everyone knows this is kind of, well, what do you call it… the end.” explained Herbert when asked for a comment, “We just want to make sure we’re fulfilling our duty to the people. 2020 doesn’t seem like it will be taking any prisoners and Utahns deserve to go out in the way that they would prefer.”

Although the results are still being tallied, surveyors have already begun forecasting results based on what they’ve seen up to this point.

“We predict a close matchup between ‘death by aliens’ and ‘death by volcano’. That being said, ‘death by overeating’ is looking strong and just might catch up.” reports Howie Hobbes, a BYU stats major and intern at the Governor’s Office, “I’m not sure if statistical models really apply to anything in 2020 though.”

Utah residents have been shocked at first by the poll’s arrival, but are, everything considered, grateful to at least have something to do.