Seeking to Do Their Part, Nation’s Karens Flood ‘Racism Inc.’ with Complaints, Negative Reviews

Typically Karens are known for berating restaurant staff and making unreasonable demands of grocery store workers. Lately however, they’ve utilized their grievance airing capabilities for good.

While millions around the country idly watch the protests and riots in Minneapolis, thousands of suburban soccer moms have thrown their support behind activists in the best way they know. By early Thursday morning hundreds of negative Yelp! reviews were posted on the page of Racism Inc., a Minnesota based company that produces the majority of the Mid-West’s racism.

“We figured that we’d better make sure that the people making all this racism know that we aren’t happy about it.” says Karen McGee of Cincinnati, Ohio, “If we can get them down to less than a star rating that’ll really send a message.” According to Karen Wilson of Omaha, Nebraska the goal of the campaign is to force Racism Inc. to shut down for good.

Skeptics are quick to point out that shutting down one factory won’t do much to stop Racism Inc. due to their locations in every state. The Karens responded by demanding to speak to the critic’s manager.