Local Family Confused, Disturbed by New ‘Lion King Netflix Series’

When the Smith family sat down to watch Netflix together Monday night, they were excited to discover a new Netflix original series continuing the Disney classic “Lion King”. However, parent and child alike were filled with horror when a smoking man appeared on screen and began describing a convicted murderer named Joe Exotic while flashing images of people getting mauled by tigers.

“I think I knew right away that this was not the Lion King.” explained Justin Smith, visibly in shock while reliving the memory, “It was when people started dropping the f-bomb that I realized I needed to turn the TV off.”

The Smith’s two children, 8-year-old Henry and 5-year-old Sarah, began screaming immediately when they saw footage of real live tigers tackling people to the ground.

“They’ve had nightmares for several days now. I’m just glad they were too young to understand everything else they saw during those two minutes we watched.” says Jessica Smith.

Jessica and Justin have learned their lesson and are already planning a more wholesome movie night for next Monday. The whole family is excited to watch the new adaptation of Little Red Ridinghood entitled “The Wolf of Wallstreet”.