Patreon BYU professor

Entrepreneurship Professor to Make Full Online Course Available to Patreon Subscribers

Professor John Ulrich, an entrepreneurship professor in the BYU Marriott School, has proven his own entrepreneurial spirit in these trying times. While students celebrated, many professors were disheartened after the news on Friday afternoon that classes would move online.

But according to Professor Ulrich, his first thought was, “How can I make money off this?”

Professor Ulrich takes pride in his ability to turn any crisis into a money-making opportunity. He has already bought up all the surplus toilet paper in Utah county and started selling it marked up 500%. He’s also currently in talks with Chinese factories to mass produce test kits that produce false positives for anyone over the age of 65. Then, he’ll sell them the “cure” for $350.

He’s certainly a paragon of the BYU entrepreneurial ethic.

“I know podcasters and YouTubers make a lot of money from their subscribers,” he told us, “and since my class is basically a YouTube video now, I knew there was potential there.

“Students want good grades, and they’ll do anything to get them. The class I’m releasing to my students for free only includes 75% of the material on the final. If they want the rest, they have to sign up on my Patreon. It’s only $15 a month.”

We applaud his can-do attitude. If only more of us could remember that good old American dream. His actions prove it’s still out there to be found for those who work hard enough.