Student Books Flight to Wuhan After Receiving Organic Chemistry Midterm Results

Ryan Williamson, a sophomore at BYU, checked Learning Suite this morning. To his shock and horror, he found his most recent Organic Chemistry midterm score came in at 65%, the 93rd percentile. The score was harrowing to say the least, but sources confirm that he took solace in the fact that he did better than 93% of his classmates.

Furthermore, Rate My Professor says that his teacher, Dr. Heinrich Von Echlestein, usually curves the second midterm. Ryan, a habitual hand-wringer, confirmed this with three different TAs, all of whom told him it was curved last semester.

But then, in a stroke of Shakespearian tragedy, Dr. Von Echlestein addressed the class in email:


This was the easiest carbonyl test I have ever given. You were all well prepared. My excellent teaching was not reflected in the quality of your performance on the exam.

But there is ample opportunity this semester to improve grades. To balance out this last test, I will ensure that the Amines exam is the hardest I have ever given.

There will not be a curve, on this past test, or the next one.

I honestly expected more,

Dr. VE”

After finishing the email, Ryan checked flights to Wuhan. As money is no a concern, he booked a one way flight leaving early tomorrow morning.

Thoughts and prayers.