Church Drops Rose Gold Edition of Book of Mormon, Readership Expected to Soar

After the success of the BYU AirPods Pro released in late 2019, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took notice and announced Wednesday that they have partnered with Apple to create a rose gold edition of The Book of Mormon, available for a limited time.

“We’re really excited to announce this joint venture with Apple,” said Dwayne Killian, director of Book of Mormon cover design at Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. “We’ve seen iPhone, iPad, and MacBook sales increase over in Cupertino as a result of this rose gold color that white girls obsess over, and we expect similar results when these rose gold copies of The Book of Mormon hit the shelves.”

Church officials also expect a 14% increase in street dwellers’ willingness to accept a free copy of the book, especially in upper middle class neighborhoods. While the standard paperback copies in rose gold will still be free for investigators, Church members can expect to pay a premium when the books hit Deseret Book shelves on Friday. Hardcover copies will start at $64.99, with entire quads costing $129.99. Just like Apple, the rose gold quads will come with a free personalized engraving when you order online.