Karl G. Maeser Devastated That No One Remembered His Birthday

Karl G. Maeser celebrated his 192nd birthday this past Thursday, but sadly not a single person remembered it. Some say that it is due to the fact that his building is in a part of campus that no one ventures to. Most students will never step foot in this building due to its isolated location. In a recent survey conducted on campus, roughly 16% of respondents were aware there was a Maeser Building on campus, with only 2% of respondents correctly locating it on a map.

“I have never heard of anyone having classes there. The closest I ever got to it was on my freshmen orientation tour, and I couldn’t even remember where the library was after that tour,” said Rhett Maeser, freshman and descendent of Karl G. Maeser.

It only got sadder when he hung up his own birthday banner in anticipation for his party, that sadly no one showed up to. Karl G. Maeser was only more upset when even the testing center, his closest neighbors, didn’t gift him the honorary birthday pencil that they regularly hand out to others. The ghost of Karl G. Maeser stated that he would continue to attend the other birthday celebrations held at the numerous buildings on campus, after giving his word of honor to do so many years ago. It still remains to be seen if anyone will show up to his party next year.