‘I’m Just So Done’: BYU Spokesman Speaks Out Following Salt Lake Tribune Article

Early Wednesday morning, The Salt Lake Tribune published an article on The Alternate Universe, highlighting its hard-hitting journalism. Since hitting the presses, the article has garnered a lot of attention from other BYU media outlets. The Daily Universe immediately unfollowed the official Instagram page of The Alternate Universe, commenting that “It’s over. #nomoretoxicpeople.”

The Tribune article covered the humble beginnings of The Alternate Universe and chronicled its rise to glory as the most fair and balanced news source dedicated to bringing the most pressing and accurate stories to the attention of its readers. “We’re just glad to be able to reach more people.” said Liz Lemon, a writer for The Alternate Universe, “These stories are important and deserve to be heard around the world.”

The most interesting response to the article comes from BYU spokesman Ammon Johnson, who earlier declined to comment for The Tribune. He burst into the Alternate Universe newsroom and declared that “I give up! I’m just so done! I’m not dealing with you anymore!”

After a few glasses of chocolate milk and a pat on the back, Johnson regained his composure and returned to his office to answer more emails.