Dating can be hard in Provo. Thankfully, BYU has created Learning Suite, an innovative tool to enhance your dating life and keep track of your grades at the same time. Here is your how-to guide for arranging eternal love on the course management software.
1. Decide which class website best suits your needs
While Learning Suite is The Alternate Universe’s recommended pick, you may prefer Canvas’s ceaseless email notifications. Of course, if your significant other is not on your preferred platform, you can always dump them and start dating someone from a different class.
2. Plan your message
There are a lot of good options here, depending on whether you want to keep it short or draw it out. Here are some ideas to help you brainstorm:
- Start with a long, and thoughtful summary of your relationship with him/her, sent over the course of 10 posts (Pro: It’s romantic. Con: Everyone in your class will definitely hate you.).
- Include a school-related pun, like “I think we have good chemistry together” (Pro: It’s a pun. Con: It’s a pun).
- With no context, ask “(significant other’s name), marry me?” (Pro: It’s straight to the point. Con: Their response might just be “…what?”)
- Send a bunch of memes along with it (Pro: It may appease the other people in your class that thought you were posting notes or something useful. Cons: there are none).
3. Consider getting your professor in on it
For a more official-looking proposal, get your professor to post it as an assignment. Your significant other will appreciate your extra effort, and everyone who doesn’t congratulate you will lose points.
4. Dealing with rejection
While Learning Suite is clearly the ideal platform for any student looking to propose, not every proposal is meant to work out. If things don’t go as well as you had hoped, the best solution is withdrawing from your class to avoid the humiliation.