Local Provo Guy Meticulously Prepares Outfit to Wear on Date He Won’t Plan

Hoping to make a great impression on a first date with Megan, Provo resident Danny Carlson spent the better half of Monday putting together a killer outfit. Sources close to Danny confirm that this is the only part of the night he will put any thought into.

“The hardest part has been trying to decide on whether or not to wear athletic apparel.” Danny says, trying on a variety of high-end watches, “I could see the date ending up being really sporty – but also it could be more like a fancy dinner. There’s no way of knowing.”

With just 24 hours until the vaguely agreed upon “Wednesday night” date, things were beginning to come together. Danny explained his progress to The Alternate Universe: “I finally got my cologne to match my shoes and I’ve almost used the whole bottle of hair gel. Most importantly, I’ve successfully avoided communicating with Megan at all.”

When Danny knocked on Megan’s door the next day dressed in khaki shorts, flip flops, and an old mission t-shirt, it was clear from the speechless look on her face that his preparation had paid off. After awkwardly shuffling into his car, Danny turned to Megan and popped the question: “So, what do you wanna do?”