Basic Provo Girl Starts Wedding Photography Business to Learn What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like

Having spent most of her time at BYU dating noncommittal, self-absorbed tinder matches, Jess White is looking now to settle down and learn what a healthy relationship looks like. She hopes her new wedding photography business will give her an up-close look at real couples who love each other.

“It has been… weird?” Jess says, noting that couples she photographed talked and laughed the whole shoot. They sometimes even had to be told to kiss for certain photos. “My last boyfriend, Nick Moe, wasn’t much of a talker.”

Besides the fact that couples seemed to genuinely care about each other’s thoughts and feelings, Jess was also bewildered to find that fiances described themselves as “happy” and “excited for the future.”

Unfortunately, by press time Jess had shut down her business. Intense competition from hundreds of girls with the exact same idea made getting new clients difficult. Jess also acknowledged that photographing others is “not as satisfying” as photographing yourself.