Crazed Summer Sales Bro Won’t Stop Doing Push-Ups on Doorstep Until Homeowner Buys Security System

In an apparent last-ditch effort to get a sale one month into his dream summer selling security cameras in North Dakota, sources confirm that Provo Bro Joe Hanks has staked out an affluent doorstep and is doing pushups there until the homeowner buys a doorbell camera.

“37… 38… 40… wait, back up, missed one.” Joe grunted with sweat dripping down his face, “39… ok, 41… I’m going to do as many push-ups on this front porch as dollars that I’ll make this summer. Probably one million. And this guy’s gunna pay me all of it.”

With a little over 999,852 push-ups left to go to meet Joe’s goal and no sound at all coming for the house, local passerbys were starting to worry for the young, over confident, way-too-pushy salesman. 

“Hey, you! Are you ok? Don’t you have anything better to be doing?” Cried one Susan Lee while walking her dog by the emotionally distraught Joe.

After pausing for a moment to think deeply about his family in California, fiancé back in Provo, half a dozen hobbies, and tons of other friends who wanted to hang out that summer, Joe shouted “nope!” and returned to his push-ups.

“You can’t ignore me forever, I know you’re in there! And I know you want to feel safe!” Joe yelled in the general direction of the door, and then muttered to himself, “At least I’m getting my workout in. I call that another successful day.”