New Tik Tok Missions an Overwhelming Success, Missionary Work in China Speculated to Follow

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ recent decision to have missionaries join popular social media app Tik Tok has been an overwhelming success. Still in an experimental phase, the utilization of this online platform has only been established in a handful of missions across the globe. However, much like other technologically innovative additions to mission-work that have come before it (i.e. Facebook, tablets, etc.), Tik Tok as a means of proselytizing seems to be here to stay.

Missionaries currently using the app can be seen lip-syncing everything from pop music to the First Vision, participating in dance trends and battles, and adding content to whatever meme format is floating around in any particular week. Having spent so much time online, it’s no wonder why missionary notoriety is skyrocketing, with many elders and sisters even achieving recognition as social media influencers.

“Oh yeah, I have a lot of videos on Tik Tok,” said Elder Jackman, a young man serving in Los Angeles, California, “In my most popular video, my companion and I are doing this dance we choreographed while lip syncing the lines from the old Johnny Lingo movie.”

“It has over a million likes,” Elder Gibson, Elder Jackman’s companion, chimed in, “We were blown away. It feels so good to become famous by doing missionary work. Plus, we’re hoping to get scouted while we’re here. Keep us in your prayers!”

The success experienced in missions using Tik Tok so far has made members hopeful towards the idea of expanding missions internationally. Tik Tok, being owned by a Chinese company, may be the foot in the door that the LDS church has been looking for to finally be able to send missionaries to China.

“It’s so cool to think that my videos could be what allow the people of China to hear the Gospel,” said Sister Watkins, a young woman who just received her call to a Tik Tok-using mission, “There are just so many blessings that come with being a content creator.”

Tik Tok missions are expected to spread beyond the few currently testing the app in their missions. Look forward to seeing more missionary work done across the world from the comfort of the mission homes.