Congress Votes to Postpone April Fool’s Day Because “There’s Just Too Much Going On Right Now.”

Congress voted on a historic bill that would delay April Fool’s Day early Wednesday morning.
“There’s enough going on in the world right now. People shouldn’t have to worry about putting honey on the toilet seat or prank calls about bailing their kids out of jail,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
The bill passed unanimously in both the House and the Senate, and will now be sent to President Trump for his signature. Some experts think the President will use his veto power on the bill, due to his love of simple pranks.
The debate over the bill lasted for three days, with Republicans and Democrats unable to agree on issues like what type of pranks would be allowed and what day April Fool’s Day would fall on instead.
“This is definitely the most important thing we could be doing right now, why are you asking me that?” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
The bill will go into effect tomorrow morning, should it receive a signature from the President or however laws are supposed to work.